Principles of Horseshoeing / Essentials Principles of Horseshoeing



"Doug Butler is the William Russell of today -- he has done the research, written the books and obtained the credentials that make him the foremost authority in the farrier industry."

--Lee Liles, National Museum of Horseshoeing, OK


"You have excelled in the Farrier world way beyond the call of duty and will be remembered for generations to come."                     --Buster Conklin [Doug's original Mentor], NY


Essential Principles of Horseshoeing [2012]:


  • “Although we have owned horses for more than 40 years, both my wife and I learned a lot about hooves and their care from Essential Principles of Horseshoeing. This beautiful, educational, and entertaining book is a must-have for any horse owner, even if you never plan to trim or shoe your own horse!”       --Walt Shiel, author and horse lover, Jacobsville, MI


  • “It’s the best, easiest book I’ve ever read to illustrate to farriers what they need to “see” in their own minds.  Now with the Audio Book, they can ride down the road listening to it!  Yet there’s nothing like having the book in your lap reading and looking over at the related picture that describes exactly what you’ve just read – plus the pictures are located so close to where it’s written that you don’t have to leap back 10 pages to find it!  Don’t skip Chapters 1-5: many farriers would start with the later chapters and miss a great education in the first five chapters.”

--Tom Parris, MD


  • “For the sake of every horse, people should buy, read, and reference this book.”                                                                                                                                            --Kristi Hyllekve, Canada
  • “Great overview!  I like the forging tips.  It simplifies things a lot.  I like the color diagrams in the anatomy section.  You’ve simplified the Shoe Shapes and make it easier to understand.  It was worth the investment.  It’s a good book!”                                                    --Mike Isles, NY


  • “With your "paint by number" pictures, your anatomy teaching system jogs my memory!  I can remember which arteries and veins are which; which tendon attached this muscle to that bone.  The forging section pictures help me see ‘If I hit here, the branch goes there’!  And the QR codes that take you to Internet videos are just ‘Awesome’”!                                  -- Jason Perez, CO


  • “Thank you for Essential Principles of Horseshoeing. This is a useful book where it is short and clear stated main principles of horseshoeing not as only a craft but as business and life style. Old Russian proverb says “Repetition is mother of studies” (Повторение - мать учения). Thank you for the book,                                                                                                        --Boris Riaschenko, Russia
  • “It’s like a traveling textbook to carry in my truck!  I’ve picked it up, found a subject I was thinking about or had a question about, and quickly read up on that particular subject.  It’s good to remind me of everything you present in a concise way.”   --Aaron Phillips, KS


  •       “Upon receiving my copy I started going through the pages and could not put the book down.  This is an amazing text.  As I poured through the pages of this book, I felt like I was right back in Nebraska, attending Butler Professional Farrier School.  Everything you gentlemen taught my classmates and I was coming to life before my eyes, depicted clearly with succinct text, excellent color photos, diagrams, and of course video links.

“Thank you for dedicating what must have been a monumental amount of time and effort in compiling this wonderful text.  It stands as yet another testament to the Butler commitment of excellence in Farrier education!

“The addition of "Essential Principles of Horseshoeing" to my personal library is a valuable tool in my continuing education and the success of my growing Farrier business.”

--Scott Hunter, PA


  • “I like the whole idea of the Essential Principles of Horseshoeing. It is very nice to see horsemanship skills included. I believe that those who watch the online video should pay close attention to necessary horsemanship skills. The problem is today it’s hard to connect with people and get their attention – even if they have the information they need, they often lack the skill to apply it at the correct time or in the proper manner.  I have told all the farriers I can about E.P. of H.”                                                                                                                                         -- Todd Andrews, PA


  •       “Essential Principles” is a wonderful addition to any farrier library.  It is “essential” as a carry along for veterinarians to assist them in client communication. The many photos and drawings and ease of finding the right information for the situation will greatly enhance a veterinarian’s ability to communicate with owners and farriers—good communication leads to a better outcome for the horse ALWAYS.  Horse owners can benefit immensely by using this textbook to become better educated consumers of both veterinary and farrier advice and services.  Again the big winner is ultimately THE HORSE.  And that is always the goal.

“Congratulations on another fine addition to the effort of improving the hoof care and lives of horses.”                                                                                  --Allie Hayes, MA


  • “It’s good to carry with me to get a quick reference.  It brings back what I learned in school. I like the new pictures, especially the drawings that have color-coded, different parts.  It helps me to be able to grasp details in my mind again.  The book is excellent!  Matter of fact I’ve recommended it on my Facebook page!”         --Duane Sapp, GA


  • Doug, I am a practicing farrier. Have been for 15 years. I am a graduate of [another horseshoeing school].  I am still reading the book and am enjoying all of the information in the book and getting back to the basics. Thanks.

--Dave R. Prouty, MN


  • “With the anatomy part, I’m able to show my clients different pictures to explain things and help them see what I’m seeing.”                                                --Brenton Flohe, TX


  • “A well thought out, comprehensive guide that tackles topics often overlooked in standard texts.  You emphasize the vet-farrier team as an integral component in successful lameness treatment, with each recognizing and respecting the skills of the other.   Thank you for writing this book!”                                                                                                                   -- Courtney Diehl, DVM
  • “I just had the opportunity to read through Essential Principles of Horseshoeing. It does a fantastic job of illustrating the anatomy of a horse’s foot and how it functions. I never realized how important it is to accurately analyze a horse’s foot in order to properly fit a shoe. The shoe forging section gave me a better understanding of how horseshoes are altered to fit the exact needs of the horse they are applied to. I find value in the people and business skills sections because being able to market yourself is as important as the farrier skills you have.”    --Josh Carlsen, WA


  • ““Thank you for all the helpful things you do for horses that allow them to be sound while performing in pleasure, sport and professional activities with their riders!”            --Lynn Wyman, CA


  •   “At first, I didn’t have a firm grasp of the XYZ concept. …  Now everything is not only perfectly clear but it really compliments what I already know.  I encourage you to keep teaching this to farriers and refine it so horse owners can learn, too.  It is going to be a classic.”  --Steve Kraus, NY


  • “I’ve never seen the XYZ concept illustrated so well so that anyone could understand what you’re talking about.  Essential Principles of Horseshoeing is just fantastic – I love the book!  A lot of times, we have a hard time visualizing what we’re reading.  You have enough images in there – side by side –to make us understand it all.  It’s very well illustrated.    I think for the farrier, this book has everything: it has the written word, the visual parts that are so important for all of us and now the audio book to listen to also.                       --Tom Parris, MD


The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) [2004]:


  • "Got P3 ... it looks great!  Encyclopedic ... well laid out ... easy to follow.  I like it."           --Henry Heymering, [Author of several horseshoeing books], MD


  • From Book Review:

"P3 -- the most comprehensive text on the farrier industry ever written … the authoritative resource on the subject of farrier science … well illustrated with thousands of photographs and drawings.

"…The uniqueness of Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) is in its composition.  It is written in a continuing education format designed to help the farrier grow from entry level to journeyman.  It is a resource text for the farrier [and horseowner] that can be tapped over and over as new situations arrive in his/her practice.

"As I read through the 987 pages, I could not think of any subject relevant to farriers that was not covered … no matter what level of farrier you are, from those that are considering the profession, those who shoe part-time, or a full-time farrier looking to step up to the next level of shoeing, P3 is the book that you need.

"Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) is not just a book for your library, it is a working text that is designed to be used daily, in the field by every practicing farrier."

-- Bob Smith, Pacific Coast Horseshoeing School


  • The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3)  Book Review - By Nate Allen, MS, CJF

The new encyclopedia of horseshoeing is now available and it’s called The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) by Doug Butler, PhD, CJF, FWCF and Jacob Butler, CJF. This book serves as a completely new revision to the Principles of Horseshoeing II, known as the “yellow bible of horseshoeing” by many farriers. The new edition has tripled in weight and doubled in size and incorporates countless photos and illustrations to support the text. The Butlers are educators, as well as skilled practitioners, and they understand how farriers learn.


This new book has been designed in a sequential system for learning the farrier’s craft. The book is worth the money for two pages alone; a matrix or chart which classifies seven skill areas including trimming/shoeing, anatomy, horsemanship, clients, iron and forge work, business, and personal health with performance measures for each of four career levels from the introductory level student/apprentice to the advanced professional farrier level. Each chapter of the book begins with a list of vocabulary terms that are used in the chapter and common to the craft. With the individual chapter emphasis on terms, the learning process is reinforced and readers can master the vocabulary of the craft.


The book in divided into four parts: introduction, basic skills, advanced skills, and specialized skills of the farrier’s craft. The introduction includes the matrix of skills and career level performance, as well as perceptions, realities, qualifications, and opportunities in horseshoeing. The basic skill levels of the farrier’s craft addresses the basic skills trimming, shoeing, anatomy, horsemanship, conformations, people skills, and personal care of horseshoers. The advanced skills of the farrier’s craft builds upon the basic skills in each of the skill areas to include hot fitting of shoes, functional foot balance, anatomy of the legs and limbs, gaits, gait fault correction, hoof diseases, lameness diagnosis and treatment, as well as farrier-veterinarian liaison, advanced shoeing making, business planning, and balancing your life. The last section of the book deals with the shoeing needs and techniques for a variety of horse types from performance and sport horses to racehorses, show horses, draft horses, mules, and oxen.


No doubt the book will benefit farriers at any stage of their career, the book is also of great benefit to veterinarians needing to learn more about the form and function of the horse, as well as horse owners wanting to learn more about horsemanship and the care of their horses. A Teacher’s Guide for the book is also available. The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) will become the most widely used text by farriers and horseshoeing schools just as the 'yellow bible of horseshoeing' did."



  • "'P3 is user-friendly.  It is detailed with step-by-step illustrations.  It's important for farriers to learn about business skills.  This book makes sense and has great value -- it's worth the price!"                           -- Burr Vandewart, TX
  •  "I plan to make sure my farrier is well qualified!  I want to know as much as I can about horseshoeing.  This is excellent, very informative."

--Frances M., PA


  •  "Doug Butler has done it again -- he's improved the ultimate guide to Horseshoeing.  Principles 3 is an informative book that you won't want to be without.

--Gina Keesling, Farriers Greeting Cards, CA


  • "The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) is intended to be used as a resource for farriers at all levels of expertise.  Students at Mesalands Community College use it from the beginning of their course work through their Farrier Science graduation.  The authors come highly qualified with Jacob being a Certified Journeyman Farrier in the American Farriers Association, and Dr. Butler holding the very prestigious title of Fellow of the Worshipful Company of Farriers, a distinction that is given in the United Kingdom and is very difficult to obtain."

--J. Yearout, Director of Public Relations, NM


  • "I make a living off of everything I've learned from your book."       --Tim Brewer, AR


  • "Thank you so much for the early copy of your wonderful new book, The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3).  I love the way the book is organized in a sequential learning system.  Full of great illustrations and sound advice.  A beautiful book!"                                    --Allie Hayes, MA
  • "P3 is just what the industry needed.  The book has taken on a whole new perspective that you can't find anyplace else.  The business practices are really good.  For that matter, the whole book is of the highest quality of any book I have read.  Thanks so much for the effort and time that you put in it."                                                                            --Leigh M. Baron, TX


  • Jan 2006: "I am not a farrier, but a horseowner and "hobby cowboy" (I have been to the US many times in my vacations to work cattle and improve my riding skills). I have read your book Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) from start to end and use it almost every week as a "bible". I am a great fan and admirer of your work. I also have quite a few friends who are farriers and since they know I'm interested in this, they even sometimes come to me to discuss things, because they know I read the book and know the English language."  --Lennart Johanson, Scotland


  • "It's extremely concise.  It's laid out in a very sequential way. It's written for apprentices and in the order in which you should learn this."          --Vern Powell, IL


  • "Here at Pennsylvania Institute of Horseshoeing, Doug and Jacob Butler's Principles of Horseshoeing P3 is our text and reference book.  I emphasize to my students the fact that there is NO way they are going to absorb the whole text during this course.  However I assure them that they will use this text as a reference guide for the rest of their shoeing careers."     --Glace Rider, PA


  •      "What I like most about The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) were the detailed descriptions and photographic sequences of hoof care and limb conformation.

"As a student, rider and horseperson, The Principles of Horseshoeing (P3) answered many questions I had regarding the function of shoeing for the horse's movement, comfort and health.

"I also enjoyed learning about the variety of shoes and shoeing procedures as they apply to the diversity among horses."  -- handwritten testimonial given to us at AFA Marketplace year after book was released.



  • Marsha went back over testimonials from the 1974 edition of The Principles of Horseshoeing -- the book was highly acclaimed, yet many people spoke of how "in the preface you mentioned future companion volumes covering specialized horseshoeing [Bob Hollis, KY]"; another man commented that he was "really looking forward to more publications by Doug on horseshoeing"; another said, "I hope further volumes by you will evolve especially on gaited horses … there has not been a practical volume written on the subject [Danny Kimball]."  Another person wrote to say he had “bought Bud Beaston's joke of a book -- so have become a bit disenchanted with sight unseen buying [Duane Sop, MN]."
    • Another testimonial letter was from Dr. Jack Roth, owner of Oklahoma Horseshoeing School: "Principles of Horseshoeing is by far the best book on horseshoeing ever written.  No better book can be found at any price.  We use this book exclusively at our school and the students and instructors are extremely happy with it."  Interestingly, this farrier school upgraded to PII and then P3 when those were published and still use P3 to this day!
    • P1 testimonials = [Jack Conner, Rapidan River Farm] states: "...The illustrations are a great help in understanding the text and there are lots of them.  The layman can have a much greater knowledge of what really constitutes a good job of shoeing."  Doug's original illustrations are central to The Principles of Horseshoeing books -- they were copyrighted for a reason!  "The pictures and illustrations are excellent and this is what students need to help them understand [C. Allen Carrington]";  "The pictures and drawings make the book unique and the step procedures enumerated are especially valuable guide lines. [Mark Nichols]"
    • Texas A&M [Dr. Bonnie Beaver, Head of Veterinary Anatomy Dept] stated, "Principles of Horseshoeing (1974) is an excellent resource which I intend to site a lot during our studies of the lower leg and foot.  In addition, your sections on correct leg and foot conformation, foot flight patterns and interference are excellent."  Again referring to Doug's original copyrighted illustrations -- not previously available!
    • Margaret Anne Raftery, Chicago, IL wrote that she "was dismayed while attending horseshoeing school that the various texts used were not written in a sufficiently organized manner to be of much real value to the student. … It was therefore impossible to have a clear understanding of corrective and pathological shoeing from brief readings in basically incoherent texts.  … I sincerely hope that your [book's] use will become standard.  Aside from the excellent handling of pathological and corrective shoeing, I found it an extremely readable and generally enjoyable book. … [after stating she thought she might have to write "a coherent, intelligible and organized text on horseshoeing" in 10 or 20 years herself], she concluded that paragraph saying, "But you have, thankfully, saved me the trouble."  … "I once again commend you for a fine book which I hope will aid and encourage many future potential horseshoers to seriously take up this difficult, but thoroughly enjoyable field."  [including whole letter for which she gave us permission to quote]
    • Frank Hamlin, NY: "...Just now I've devoted my day to a pretty careful reading, and I've thoroughly enjoyed every minute of it.  I guess that's because you know how to write and explain … your index is first rate."
    • Maggy Haigh, Canada: "My brother-in-law is emigrating here from England and asked me to get him your book, as it is the best book he can get on shoeing."
    • Peg Hoover Bannister, Owner of Porterville Horseshoeing School, CA:  "I feel you have done an excellent job -- it is readable, even to the novice and interestingly presented, and reflects the time and thought you have put into the publication; it is good reading as well as technically sound in material."
    • "Senior Vice President Jack Taylor of McGraw Hill thought this P1 book would sell" (Book Architect Bill Robinson contacted Jack Taylor on 31 Jan 1974)
    • Simon Curtis gave the following testimonial abt PII, the 1985 edition, during the Third International Farriery & Lameness Symposium given at Cambridge, England:  -"The best textbook on farrier science written this [20th] century in the English language."  --Simon Curtis, FWCF, England  (It became the goal of DBE, Inc. to write the best textbook [P3 published in 2004] on the subject in the 21st century);  Simon Curtis was also the one who recently told Jake  it was foolish for anyone else  to write a basic textbook on horseshoeing -- because it had already been done with The Principles of Horseshoeing.



Shoeing in Your Right Mind [1998]:

  • Patrick D. Kearns, MD -- "Shoeing in Your Right Mind has taken 15-20 minutes off my shoeing time just by practicing drawing the different types of foot patterns.  Recognizing the shapes means I spend less time at the anvil."


  • Dennis Ball, CA (farrier) -- Best idea: "Understanding the XYZ concept.  After reading parts of your book, it was much easier to hear it explained." [Visalia, CA  12/5/98]


  •       "I consider your Roll, Pitch and Yaw (X, Y, Z) to be the single most important thing to come along in horseshoeing in the last 100 years.

"The capacity to see solids in 3D is genetic.  This ability is only possessed by about one-third of the population.  It is easier to see separately and requires a great deal of study.

"There are no sculptural artists that get paid more than farriers.  Regular competent farrier work is the best way to protect your investment for horse owners."                                                            --Matthew McKay Smith, DVM, VA [19 July 1996 at Equitana]


  • Book Review by Dean A. Hoffman in Book Beat:  "Butler chose this unusual title because he thinks that accessing their right brain can help farriers hone their skills.  These skills can be of great value to farriers or anyone with an interest in proper trimming and shoeing.

"This is not some psycho-babble from an academic in an ivy-covered tower, but rather the result of Butler's career in shoeing.  This is his fifth book on the subject.  He is the first American, and one of only 40 people in the world, to be designated as Fellow by the Worshipful Company of Farriers of Great Britain, a status Butler achieved after examination.

"Butler knows that the basics of sound farriery starts with balance, and thus many of his chapters address such subjects as hoof trimming and balance, heel/toe balance, medial/lateral balance, and shoe fitting and balance.

"The book is extensively illustrated with photos and drawings.  They are designed to help you learn the components so that the reader can move from  'mystery to mastery' in farriery much faster."


  • DVM News' New Product Review (4 Nov 1998): "Shoeing in Your Right Mind is a guide for horse farriers by Doug Butler, an internationally known farrier and professor with more than 30 years of practical teaching experience.

"The book was written to help practicing farriers access the right side of their brain more effectively so they can improve their shoeing skills.  By combining five perceptual skills used by artists and a structured approach to acquiring visual thinking skills, Butler has broken down the science of horseshoeing into an efficient process and sequence which farriers can use to improve their efficiency by 30 percent, the author says."


  • "Thank you for writing Shoeing in Your Right Mind.  When I received my copy during horseshoeing school, I felt like you had thrown a line to a drowning person.  Your book will prove a great blessing to horses and horseshoers for many years to come."     --Mary Wright, FL


  • "Shoeing in Your Right Mind is a great book!"      -- Paul Rogers, WA (6/1/04 email)


  • "My husband is a farrier by trade and is really interested in your book Shoeing in Your Right Mind -- he has a lot of the same beliefs as you.  He reads your article faithfully in the Turn Magazine -- any information you share with us is great."    --Lisa Cornet, Canada (27 Jan 2004 email)


  • "You've done a great job with your book [Shoeing in Your Right Mind].  It's a good tool for many professionals and students.  I really like the progression of the exercises.  Because of the exercises, no  one is ever really through reading and using this book."   -- Nate Allen, NM


  • "I've read [Shoeing in Your Right Mind] three times already.  It is without a doubt the most precise, on-target book of its kind which I've ever had the pleasure of reading.  The exercises (which I've just about completed) are very effective.  Three cheers for you and your prodigious energy!"

-- Michael Miller, MD, CJF, AL


  • Dr. Butler's Shoeing in Your Right Mind deals with putting the whole shoeing process together in an organized and efficient system."  -- Tuxedo Bookshop, Australia


  • "I just finished reading Shoeing in Your Right Mind for the third time.  I just can't believe the way I look at the hoof now.  It was like I wasn't even seeing it at all before."               --[email rec'd 7 July 1999]




Six-Figure Shoeing

  • Your Six-Figure Shoeing book has been my bible in getting my business started.  Thank you for helping me get my business off to a great start!"

-- Brian Fitzpatrick, CA


  • "Read as much as you can about the business.  ... A good book to read is “Six-Figure Shoeing,” by Dr. Doug Butler, who is the world’s most renowned and recognized farrier educator. This book will truly help you determine whether you are suited to building a business as a professional farrier. It’s a very down-to-earth business and a good farrier is always in demand. Also, it offers a flexible work schedule, and you can be your own boss."   -- Chris Minick, CA


  • "My future mother-in-law gave me Six-Figure Shoeing as a gift so I could take good care of her daughter."  -- John W. Malmquist, NY




Horseshoeing Iron & Forge Work (4 video tape set - now 4 DVD Set)

  • "I cannot thank you enough for the fabulous information contained in Horseshoeing Iron &Forge Work videos.  You answered all my questions plus!"     --David Hayne, Nova Scotia, Canada
  • "Every time I sit down to watch Horseshoeing Iron & Forge Work, it's like going to a clinic.  These tapes are really well put together and have helped me in all areas of my work."                                                                                     --Brian Arendt, OR